
  • Anon
    Dec. 31, 2020, 1:35 p.m.
    Song name
    What's the name of the song when they first get to neo Babylon
  • Anon
    Sept. 19, 2022, 3:12 a.m.
    Darude - Sandstorm
    "La ragazza dalla pelle di luna (Extended Version)" by Piero Umiliani
  • Anon
    Oct. 20, 2022, 2:18 a.m.
    Reject (((Faustian)))
    I liked the episode but had no idea who or what is Faust so I looked it up. A deal with the devil for more power and knowledge on Earth at the expense of your soul? Is there a more kike concept than rejecting God in favor of Man? You who hate kikes are acting like kikes due to your ignorance on the Bible and the Truth. Why is a kike a kike? A kike is a kike because he rejects God, on an ethnic tribal level. Not grasping this fundamental fact about kikery is infuriating. You can't claim to hate kikes while living and acting like a fucking kike. If more people combined Nice Guy NatSocialism with Orthodox Christianity we would be unstoppable.
  • Rollerdog
    Nov. 6, 2022, 6:01 p.m.
    Anon 481:

    ‘Faust’, because Oswald Spengler (the tree man) called Western Man ‘Faustian’ - always after more knowledge. That aspect.
  • Anon
    Dec. 19, 2022, 11:57 p.m.
    Gay and r/the_donald pilled.
    The Faustian spirit is the inherent drive of the white race to eternally seek knowledge even if there is little or nothing to gain from it. It is the spirit of exploration and discovery that drives the race forward.
    Get your retarded, unnuanced, abrahamic dichotomy out of here faggot.
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